As you probably know by now, I am a great fan of anything tiny. I don't know what it is about minitaure things but they absolutely fascinate me. I think this is part of the reason why I like to create my illustration work the way I do.
Anyway, on Saturday I went to Miniatura in Birmingham. Miniatura is a huge international dollshouse fair held twice a year. There are stalls upon stalls of amazing miniature things- anything you can think of! It's actually quite overwhelming to walk round because there is just so much stuff!
This year the stall that really caught my eye was one owned by a German Lady who was a miniature jeweller! I have never before seen a miniature jeweller at a miniatures fair and with my love of sparkles I was completely captivated! She was mainly selling necklaces and tiaras and they were the most exquisite, glittery, delicate things i have ever seen! She said they were all made from swarovski crystals. (the most teeny tiny swarovski crystals mind!) She was also a really lovely lady and said that she made this jewellery as a hobby rather than to make a business out of it. It was clear to see that it was a labour of love.
Another thing that really attracted me to this jewellery was that the necklaces had real little clasps! So it is possible to actually put them on a doll or character if you wish. I have a special love for anything miniature that actually works.
I tried desperately to try and capture the sparkle of the necklace in photos but to not much avail! In real life it twinkles like anything! |
The necklace I bought is based on the necklace the Queen of Persia wore (below) and I am absolutely besotted with it! I can't stop looking at it and making it sparkle in the light.
Unfortunately Ursula Sturmer doesn't have a website but just in case you are interested in purchasing one of her beautiful creations you can email her at stuermerelz(at)
I wish I could have bought more of Ursula Sturmer's miniature jewellery. There was a dazzling ruby tiara I reeeally wanted but I had to reign myself in! I wasn't really supposed to buy anything at all.
So yes that was the highlight of Miniatura for me!